Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What's in a name

After a Facebook poll and minimal investigation, blogger/blogspot wins the title of the official blogging tool for the farmhouse renovations.

The irony? I picked at random a background, truly not seeing what the picture included. Once I created the space and took a first look, I had to laugh - hummingbirds. While Ghon and I were still dating, I remember visiting his father and stepmother and seeing hummingbirds for the first time. Speedy little suckers nearly swarmed the place. I always associated hummingbirds with their house.

Ghon has done quite a bit of research at the courthouse and local library archives to determine the age of the house and if there is any historical significance (more about that on another post). The 'worthless' (as Ghon calls him) volunteer at the archives insists that the Historical Society doesn't care about homes without names and he won't find any information without a homestead name. Since Ghon would like to turn the property further into a working farm (beyond the chickens), he's been bouncing around names, all ending in Farm.

I just might propose Hummingbird Farm. What do you think?

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